Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It's been a minute . . .

My gems are growing so much. They are in elementary school, preschool or at the babysitter. I haven't kept up with my blog. I have to get back on track. I've seen KZ and WP but I haven't made any resent entries to my blog. I love it when I see them and they call me; grandma or grandmother or that smile from KZ2. They are truly precious gems and I love them dearly.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Did you Smurf . . . ?

Oh boy, WP and I went to see The Smurfs. We laughed throughout the movie. I want to see it again. I would like to take KZ to see it. I think he will enjoy it just as much as WP and I did.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The things kids say . . .

I had the pleasure to spend some time on Monday with WP. His dad was called back to work so I was able to assist him. WP went home with me and as the time grew later and later he had to spend the night. He was ready to go to sleep, but I was. He wanted to watch television. I wanted to sleep, so I stayed in my room and began dozing off, and he went into the living room. All of a sudden he ran back to my room saying, "grandma, grandma I used my senses." I replied "your senses." He said "yes!" I got up and went into the living room, of course the room was dark but he had made his way in the dark and located the remote to turn on the television. We watched a little bit of his show and then off to bed we went, but before we went he had to turn off the television. In order to do this he had to cut the lights on because the room was too dark, so I said to him "use your senses to find the light switch."

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Great time at the party.

Today was a GREAT day for KZ and WP. We went to JG's birthday party. JG turned one. WP and KZ had a good time. They both liked the DJ, lights, playing with the other children and dancing. The food was good too.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Spending time . . .

I had a great Saturday. First, I took WP to Tae Kwondo. I think he's getting better at listening and following directions. This is my second time taking him to class, but I feel like I'm distracting him. He likes to look at me while he's practicing. He has to work on that. His mom picked him up from class. He had a play date with two of his classmates.
Later that evening I had a visit from TZ (my daughter) and my two KZs. TZ and I  spent time talking while  KZ and I played several games. We managed to play short games because he wanted to do something else before the game was over. We also watched his favorite video Land Before Time. Our newest addition; KZ2, slept, ate, and got restless as it got darker. He's gotten so round and full. I think KZ2 looks more like his dad, but only time will tell. Their features change so quickly.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Finding time . . .

KZ and haven't had our special moments together, so I have to make sure I set aside time for him. Time is so important and it flies by so fast.

Preschool . . .

KZ is a big brother now and he's ready for preschool. Yes, it's time to move from babysitter to school. He's definitely ready.

Blame it on Rio . . .

WP and I went to the movies on Saturday, and what did we see? Yes, Rio! Boy did we have a GREAT time laughing. It was a good belly laughing movie. Rio made me want to go to Rio. WP decided he wanted to go too.

Monday, April 11, 2011

The phone call . . .

This is the second weekend that I've received a call from WP asking if he could spend a night with me. I feel so special when he does this, and of course I say yes. I picked him up Friday after work. As we traveled to my house I asked him what he wanted for dinner. His reply was "I want a meal" so I said, "chicken, broccoli, and salad, does that sound good."
"Yes" WP replied. So we stopped at Stop and Shop and bought some things and went home to prepare dinner. While I was preparing dinner WP played with his toys and then he wanted to play chess. I couldn't remember how to play because I really never learned the game. But he and I attempted to play chess and of course he made up the rules. Dinner was ready so he and I ate and talked about what I had planned for Saturday. After dinner he read his book to me and then it was bath time. He has 5 minutes to play with his toys in the tub, and then lotion, pjs and straight to bed; prayers, a song and lights out.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Another game night . . .

Boy! who would've thought I would get beat playing Chutes & Ladders with WP. He's always happy when he wins! He also beat me playing Cootie. I have to work on upping my game skills.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

"I got my first belt!"

WP is taking taekwondo and he passed his first test on Saturday. White belt and he's on his way. He was so excited that he sent his uniform home with his dad and his belt went home with him. I'm so happy for him. :)

"Can you come upstairs with me?"

KZ loves company, especially when he can get you up in his room. Once you're in the room there is no getting out. At least anytime soon, so we played with the dinosaurs, looked at a dinosaur poster, and played Cootie.  My newest gem was enjoying his feeding and trying to go back to sleep.

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Birthday Party . . . !

I enjoy being with my grandsons, but I don't know if I can do another birthday party alone. You are torn between  . . . I want to go on that or I want to play this, or "grandma, can I play that game?" Some rides KZ is too small for and some games both WP and KZ can't play. But all in all they were having such a GOOD time that we missed the pinata, and singing happy birthday. Oh, well hopefully the next party I'll stay more alert.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Another gem in my jewelry box . . .

My third grandson was born on Feb. 28th. A precious addition to our family. My third gem. I am so blessed to be able to be apart of his life. I thought about my own children; three boys and now I have three grandsons. Another 3, 6, 9.

While KZ's mom was in the hospital he spent time with me. We went through our usual rituals; reading bedtime stories, prayers, and my standard song (Twinkle Twinkle). Our ride to the baby-sitter's house was an interesting adventure. We looked at the sights and people along the we. KZ is very observant and descriptive. I do enjoy spending time with both WP and KZ.  

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Busy Weekend

It's always a pleasure spending time with my gems. WP and I spent time together on Friday. I'm really trying to get him into playing board games and reading more than watching TV, so we played UNO and Memory. Then we watched a little cartoon network, 30 minutes was all he needed. Then it was time for bed. Our usual ritual bath, read a story, say prayers, and then sing a song; Twinkle Twinkle is my favorite.  WP was picked up Sat. morning for his Taekwondo class.

 That was Friday . . . Saturday was a calm day . . . then the call came it's time! KZ was being dropped off, Sunday night and I would have him until the baby was born. It was late when KZ came so all he had time for was a bath, story, prayers, and song. Of course the baby came 4:03 am, Feb. 28th. I was happy that my new gem was here. I know his mom was even happier. We have a beautiful new addition to the family.
The morning was different for both KZ and me; getting ready for work and the babysitter. As we traveled to the sitter I told him about the new baby. I showed KZ the picture of his new baby brother. He asked about his mommy and daddy. I told him that he would see them later and he did. KZ visited his mom and new baby brother in the hospital.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Game night with WP

WP came to visit me on Friday and this was a different night for both of us. Instead of watching television we had a great game night. We played UNO and of course he was game for that. He had his game face on and his strategies ready. After UNO we played Mancala and then Scrabble Flash. Scrabble was a bit challenging, so we will work on playing that game again. WP's getting better at losing and that's a good thing.

It's time . . .

I stopped by KZ's to pick-up his suitcase. His mom is getting ready for that Big day. She's gotten bigger, so I know the baby will be here sooner than we think. But getting back to KZ, boy! has he grown and that baby face or toddler is changing into the next stage and looking like a BIG brother.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I just remembered . . .

I know WP is growing up because he use to want me to sit in the bathroom with him, and now he politely says "close the door please" or he'll put the wash cloth over his private area when he's taking a bath. All the signs of growing up and becoming more aware of his body.  He will probably say "tmi" grandma.

Eyes wide open

It's so important to see my gems as often as I can. WP's front teeth are finally coming in. Today he told me that he was a meat-eater and his front teeth chew up his food. He said the molars on the side chew up other food. I asked him who told him this and he said, "I told myself." this reminded me of a time CAP told his dad and I all about s**. We asked him who told him and his reply was so similar to WP's. My gems are little sponges and they soak up so much. They are so inquisitive, bright, and loving. You have to keep your eyes wide open or you will miss a precious moment.  

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Gems multiply . . .

It's getting closer to the due date. KZ will have a new sibling in the house. No one knows the day or the hour, but it will be sooner than we think; a new gem to share my love with.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Reading is Fundamental . . .

WP came over Saturday. We spent time reading, watching his favorite shows and playing board games. Being in kindergarten comes with great demands. He has to practice writing his letter; his teacher has a cool way of teaching him how to stay between the lines. You start at the line with the cloud and go down to the grass or you may start in the middle at the plane and go down to the grass. This helps WP stay between the lines. There is also a worm that you use when you have letters that hang below the lines. Enough of that . . . getting back to reading. He is moving up and each book becomes more challenging as he learns new sight words and letter sounds. This weekend he had several words (contractions) that gave him a little trouble. He read. I read. We read together. Hopefully I didn't drill him too much, and hopefully he will remember . . . these words I've, that's, don't, and didn't.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Big Brother!

KZ is three and soon he'll be a BIG brother. Mommy and Daddy are getting him prepared for the new baby. I know he's going to love taking care of the baby.


Last week I went to church with WP. He was dying to play in the snow. I asked him if he played in it when he was with his dad. "No, my dad wouldn't let me", he said. So before we left church I asked his cousin to take him outside so he could play in the snow. What are grandmas for? He loved every minute of it.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


I enjoy helping WP with his homework. He had to practice the letters Nn and Ii. He always has a book to read. He's learning more and more everyday; trying to sound out the letters in each word. He read his book to me. The name of this book was Catch, it was about a girl name Annie and her dog Winnie. Annie played ball with Winnie.

A Double Dose . . .

This was a great weekend for me I got to see both of my gems. WP came to see me this morning and we went to church together and then we got a gift for KZ. I'm trying to instill in WP that it's better to give than receive but I know this will take sometime. He still not fully ready but it is never too late to begin learning. After church we went to see KZ. This visit gave them time to play together.  They had fun! and I had a little time with both of them. t's so good to watch your grandchildren grow up.

Happy Birthday!

Wow! He's three years old already. I had such a busy day at work but I was determined not to let the day end without seeing KZ. I had to get him something special. I know he's a dinosaur kid, so I found the perfect T-rex for him. It was soft and fierce at the same time. I was so happy that he liked his present.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Knowledge is golden.

I visited KZ today and learned all about carnivore, herbivore, and omnivore dinosaurs. We spent time separating them into these categories. We also played one of his Memory games, of course, you know who won! We counted, played with Thomas the train and used some of his building tools. I even had lunch with him. I hope he enjoyed this time as much as I did. He always looks forward to having someone to play with.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Thinking about my gems!

I haven't seen KZ or WP in a week. I miss spending time with them. I love when KZ calls me grandmother and I love when WP tells me about his adventures at school.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Make Time

Scheduling has been crazy since I went back to work. I really feel off task. I have to make time to see my grandsons.

Monday, January 3, 2011


WP had an issue with being a sore loser; at the time he was three. I found this out with our very first game of Candyland. WP lost and he let me know that he didn't like it. Now he's five and his sportsmanship is much better. He doesn't get upset anymore. In fact, I played a new game with him over the Christmas break. We played Monopoly Junior; a cute game for his age. He was the banker and had to count; good for building math skills. We had a GREAT time!

Can you play with me?

KZ loves for you to visit his bedroom; where all his toys reside. "Can you come play with me?", that's how he baits you to the room. Once you're in the room you won't be leaving anytime soon. He is truly a gem. Dinosaurs, cars, books, there's so much to play with, and you bet your dollar, he will go through most of them.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


ABC's . . . one, two, three . . . running, throwing balls, jumping jacks, balancing beams, riding bikes, falling, get back up and try it again. Bruised knees, missing teeth, all apart of growing up. These are the changes that I see. Try not to miss a day, a week, or a month or you will miss a lot.

What are gems?

Something likened to or prized as such a stone because of its beauty or worth.
This is how I feel about my grandchildren.
They are my GEMS! because of their beauty and worth. They are precious and special in my heart. I love them dearly; soon I will have a third gem to add to my treasure box.

source: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/gems