This is the second weekend that I've received a call from WP asking if he could spend a night with me. I feel so special when he does this, and of course I say yes. I picked him up Friday after work. As we traveled to my house I asked him what he wanted for dinner. His reply was "I want a meal" so I said, "chicken, broccoli, and salad, does that sound good."
"Yes" WP replied. So we stopped at Stop and Shop and bought some things and went home to prepare dinner. While I was preparing dinner WP played with his toys and then he wanted to play chess. I couldn't remember how to play because I really never learned the game. But he and I attempted to play chess and of course he made up the rules. Dinner was ready so he and I ate and talked about what I had planned for Saturday. After dinner he read his book to me and then it was bath time. He has 5 minutes to play with his toys in the tub, and then lotion, pjs and straight to bed; prayers, a song and lights out.