Friday, February 28, 2014

Moving Up

Today I went to WP1's Taekwondo moving up ceremony. He's going for his next belt. I was running late but by the grace of God we made it on time. I got to see him perform for his next belt.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

WP1 - 22614

I went to see WP1 yesterday. I just want to stay in touch with him when he's with his mom or dad. I don't want to wait until his parents need me to watch him. I know it's important that I talk to him or see him during the week. I just want him to know that I'm there if and when he needs me.

Monday, February 24, 2014

I Mean What I Say and I Say What I Mean!

Over the years I think I've gained some wisdom when it comes to raising and or working with children; grandchildren included. I told WP1 that I was coming to his school to see if he turned in the six reading books that he had in his book bag. I threatened him and told him that if those books are still in that bag I was going to whip his butt. So I had to keep my word. I went to see him in the after care program. As soon as he saw me he said, "I took them out of my bag." He also mentioned that he was going to look for the library book that he missed placed. I have to check on him and not only when he's with his father. I love that guy and I want him to know that he can come to me and I will help him if I can.  

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Saturday, February 22, 2014

A Day with WP1

I picked up WP1 before noon. He was very quiet and reserved. He didn't want to talk. As usual he was playing a game on his tablet. I asked him how long had he been playing and of course it was for more than three hours. I told him he had thirty more minute and then the game was off. He hadn't eaten since he woke up so that was something else I had to do. We were on our way to drop off the Women's Day program and cakes at the church, but first I had to go buy the cakes. I went to Shop Rite in Belleville and while I was in there I got that favorite bird that we all eat. Yes, chicken! I got my sister something too. We left church and went to the church. We had a full day. e had several other stops and then home. When we got to the house we started on our arts and crafts projects that we bought from A.C. Moore. This took awhile, but they turned out nice. My sister came down with the sniffles. She felt a little warm. I gave here a Tylenol and she went to bed earlier than usual. WP1 worked on an assignment that he had to correct, and then it was that time; bedtime. He brushed his teeth, said his prayers and off to la la land. I love my grandson. I just pray that whatever is going on with him; emotionally, will stop. I know I have no control over how his parents raise him, but I just hope he knows that they love him.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Our Visit

WP2 is coming to see me today. His grandpa has to funeralize someone today so I get to watch him. He's a little under the weather so I'm hoping everything will be okay. I think we had a good time together. He laughed and played without any problem. I have to watch him constantly because when he gets started he just goes. Running around bumping into things. I don't want him to hurt himself. He can be so rough. I just love that little whippersnapper. My little rascal.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Off to School

WP1 has a very busy day. Each and everyday he gets up early; about six in the morning. He has to get ready because his parents have to get him to school and then themselves to work. He's up early and goes to bed by nine o'clock. Sometime it might even be later than that. It depends on how long it takes him to eat dinner and do homework. Now he stays for after care. He should be doing his homework then but that doesn't always happen. I think he's struggling again in school. He needs a little more stability. He has to work on focusing and staying on task.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Picking him up from Auntie's today and taking him to his Taekwondo class. This turned out to be a very busy night; for both of us. After Taekwondo I bought him something to eat. Of course fast food again. I had to get him to my house so he could start his homework and I could get to my quilt group. Oh well, this didn't happen. I stayed with him while he was doing his homework because he needed guidance. His dad called and said he was on his way. When he arrived WP1 was still working on a reading assignment. I was still there helping him. By now I am over an hour late for my group, but I couldn't leave him because he really needed help. When his dad arrived. We packed up his things and they left. I was right behind then so I could make at least and hour or less of my session. Well, my son, his dad fell down the stairs. He hurt his arm and hip area. This bothered me to no end. I let Billy and Theresa know what happened. My son didn't want to go have it checked, so he went home. by now WP1 was exhausted and probably scared to see his dad fall.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Walk In My Shoes

You never really know what a person goes through until you walk in their shoes. You have to experience what they experience on a daily basis. This isn't the first time that WP2 has slept over. In fact this is the third time. I must commend his parents for all that they have to do in taking care of him. WP2 requires all of your attention. He's a sweet little guy, but you can't do anything else but attend to him. Through all of his requirements his parents don't skip a beat when it comes down to taking care of his needs. I know it's not easy for them. I've only spent a short time with him and I sometimes forget to feed him on time. I do enjoy watching him during the day. He laughs and plays with me and he loves chasing or bothering the cat. I call him my little rascal. He's changing into this little toddler. His independence is showing.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

KZ2's Visit . . .

KZ2 came to visit me today. His dad had to take care of some business so he dropped KZ2 off. He was with me for several hours. he ate raisins, apples and a few fish crackers. He enjoyed watching Bubble Guppies and Paw Patrol. He was tired and fighting sleep so after Paw Patrol I turned off the television and he took a nap. I really enjoy having my grandsons visit me.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Celebration of Life!

Today is WP2's birthday. I am so thankful him. God has blessed our family with WP2's healing. WP2 is my little rascal, my chuka nuka. All of my grandsons are my chuka nukas.

Pow Wow!

I went to WP1's third graders' Pow Wow. The third grade students have been studying Native Americans. This program was the finale. A pow wow was a celebration. The classes also created displays, showing how they lived. I was glad that I could be there for WP1. It's always good to have family support.

Friday, February 7, 2014

It's been awhile . . .

I' tired but glad that WP2 is visiting me today. It's been several weeks since I've seen him. I love his smile and his energy. He loves to chase the cat. He's finally rubbing her on his own. He's watching television; some of his favorite shows are Dinosaur Train, Bubble Guppies, and Sponge Bob. I'm sure there are others, but I watch his reaction when they are on. I was trying to get him to eat a little chocolate pudding, but it wasn't happening. He wanted to ho;ld the container and stir the pudding with the spoon, but he wouldn't taste it. He's really getting big. Next week is his birthday. He'll be two years old. WP2 is a real character. I love his smile and laugh.